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《The Internet》SectionⅧ PPT课件









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发表于 2020-5-26 20:07:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

《The Internet》SectionⅧ PPT课件
1.He is my favorite blogger, because he ____________(更新) his blogs every day.
2.He had lost his ____________ (身份) card and was being questioned by the police.
3.Most students find it convenient to ____________ (浏览) the Internet for accurate answers.
4.The teacher did not explain its grammatical ____________(功能).
5.They found that 95% of Wechat users ____________ (进入) their account daily.
6.The ____________ (居住的) population of the city is more than one million.
7.I gave a detailed ____________ (描述) of what had happened that night.
8.The village lies beside a main road, making it an easy ____________ (目标) for robbers.
9.There is no way that you cannot have any ____________ (令人尴尬的) moments.
10.Born in a family of English teachers, she always had a ____________(特别的) interest in English.
1.Another student ____________ (blog) admitted that he often worked late into the night.
2.There is no denying the fact that private cars do bring ____________ (convenient) to our life.
3.Help others in need and you will be helped when you ____________ (stick) in difficulties!
4.I have been eager to do something ____________ (benefit) to the world.
5.I like to watch movies, especially when I see the ____________ (inspire) stories, I will feel touched.
6.I am writing to you to apply to reopen the access ____________ the Internet in the classroom.
7.X-rays ______________ (confirm) that he has not broken any bones.
8.The goods on this counter are sold ____________ a discount of 25%.
9.These ____________ (tip) will be helpful for you to keep your children safe in heavy traffic.
10.The town is situated at a ____________ (distant) of twenty miles from Oxford.
keep sb company, now that, go through, in shape, keep track of, make fun of, keep...in mind, in case
1.Jogging is a great way to have fun and stay ________________.
2.Our task was to ________ the old people ________ today.
3.This is an app for ________________ the money in your wallet.
4.________________ you understand my meaning, I don’t need to explain again.
5.We consider it rude for the disabled to be ________________ by others.
6.We are supposed to learn English well ________________ we would fail in the exams.
7.It is located at the foot of a hill and a small river ________________ our schoolyard.
8.Always ________________ that your own determination to succeed is more than anything.
... ... ...
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