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发表于 2021-11-8 15:46:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Online games in China will have to begin registering with their real names due to the new government regulations. Netizens may no longer post their comments on websites anonymously either. Because authorities will implement the real-name registration in communication sectors of cyberspace, such as bulletin board system, also known as BBS in short.
  The new regulations have provoked different reactions from the public. Some people say that they will benefit the healthy and orderly development of China’s Internet, e.g. protecting minors from Internet addiction and helping prevent irresponsible expression online .Others, however ,oppose the regulations .They are concerned about web users’ private information and personal safety .
  Personally, I think we should tread online real-name registration separately. For example, it’s necessary to use your real name on games shopping websites. but online forums are designed to encourage web user to express their views freely .if required to use real names on bulletin boards, web user may not feel free to express their real thoughts.
网络实名制  在中国的网络游戏要开始注册自己的真实姓名由于新的政府法规。网民可能不再张贴他们的评论匿名网站。因为当局会在网络空间的通信部门实施实名注册,比如公告板系统,简称BBS。
篇二:On Network Real-name System 网络实名制  Hardly does a day pass when we don’t surf online, which seems to be an integral part of the modern way of living. Beneficial as it is, the widespread use of Internet has posed many a problem. To tackle those problems, network real-name system is put forward as a potential solution.
  People in favor of network real-name system maintain that if one has to register his real name before he logs on to the Internet forum or post a remark, it is definite that he will be more prudent. Thus, many negative consequences can be avoided. On the contrary, others oppose to this notion, arguing that it will restrain people from revealing their opinions, for their being afraid of possible troubles in real life.
  As far as I’m concerned, network real-name system only addresses the symptoms, not the causes. Deprived of anonymity, Internet will lose its inborn attractiveness and openness and therefore ceases to be as lively as it is now. Just as one will never stop eating for fear of choking, online activities should remain anonymous.
网络实名制  当我们不上网的时候,一天几乎不过去,这似乎是现代生活方式的一个组成部分。尽管如此,互联网的广泛使用已经造成许多问题。针对这些问题,提出了网络实名制作为一种潜在的解决方案。

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