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面试(Job Interviews)

发表于 2021-9-13 04:17:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  in recent years, with the development of marketdriven economy, various employees have been needed and job interviews have become more and more important.
  the job interview is, in fact, the key to successful job-hunting. then making good preparations for job interviews is of vital importance.
  i think three aspects should draw a candidate's attention. firstly, a candidate should take care of interview skills, including language, posture and preparations which involves how well the candidate is informed about the company and the job requirements. secondly, he must have the right personality, which consists of the motivation and attitude toward the job he wants to get. motivation determines how much the candidate really desires the job. thirdly, such qualifications as skills, training and experiences should be required in a job interview, they will help the candidate get the job successfully.
  in short, one won't get a good job without good preparations for the job interview. but one point can never be overemphasized, that is, his self-confi-dence. suppose one does not have it, can he do a job well?

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