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西部地区发展(Western Regions Development)

发表于 2021-9-13 04:17:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  it is generally accepted that china's economy has developed dramatically in recent yearst especially in the eastern regions. many areas in china, esp. in the eastern regions have become prosperous.
  but the western regions relatively lag behind. the differences between the living standards of the eastern and the western regions are apparent. only when the people in the western regions are better off, can the whole nation head toward the wealthy and happy paradise. so developing the economy in the western regions is urgent.
  it is not difficult for us to do it, because there are many resourcest such as coal, oil, natural gas
  and others, which are plentiful in the eastern regions. many rare animals and plants are found in this
  area. take pandas in sichuan province and famous area. take pandas in sichuan province and famous grapes in turpan for example. people can take advantage of these rich resources to develop their industries, such as tourism, mining industry and wine production industry.
  it's well known that the development of the western regions is of great importance to the whole country. the government should give priority to the development of economy and civilization in the western regions. people are confident that the prosperous western regions will come into being in the next few years.

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