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Good-bye My Fancy

发表于 2021-9-13 04:16:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  good-bye my fancy!
  farewell dear mate,dear love!
  i'm going away,i know not where,
  or to what fortune, or whether i may ever see you again,
  so good-bye my fancy.
  now for my last-let me look back a moment;
  the slower fainter ticking of the clock is in me,
  exit, nightfall,and soon the heart-thud stopping.
  long have we lived, joy'd,caress'd together;
  delightful!-now separation-good-bye my fancy.
  yet let me not be too hasty,
  long indeed have we lived, slept, filter'd, become really
  blended into one;
  then if we die we die together, (yes,we'll remain one,)
  if we go anywhere we'll be better off and blither, and learn something,
  may-be it is yourself now really ushering me
  to the true songs, (who knows?)
  may-be it is you the mortal knob really undoing,turning
  -so now finally,
  good-bye-and hail! my fancy.

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