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发表于 2021-6-3 16:20:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Internet plays a very important role in everybody's life, It has made a huge difference in the world, But the Internet has some advantages and disadvantages.
  First of all, The World Wide Web contains huge amount of information. It is extensive, relatively easy to access, And provides virtually unlimited information. If we need some information, We can acquire information online. The Web provides us an excellent resource to gain knowledge, From this way we can gain current information we need it now.
  Online education is very important in our life, It can gives us excellent sources of information, saves our time, money and it is extremely convenient. In addition, we also can exchange thoughts, opinions and information with our classmates without leaving our house. Sometimes, If we feels very stressed and depressed, We can listen to songs, In order to have a well-balanced life.
  But the Internet also has some harmful. Somebody indulges in the network games. They standing in the internet bar day and night ,At the end they leaves uncultivated the studies.
  Overall, Internet has become an inseparable part of our life. Only when we can make it serve our needs. Can we benefit most from it. So, please use the Internet in a proper way.

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