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发表于 2021-3-27 11:23:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  anuar 1st is New ear's Da. It's a great da fr all the peple thrughut the wrld. As the saing ges, "A gd beginning is half the battle". S, an peple g all ut t celebrate the iprtant da. On that da, I went t the B Cit with classates. We bught a lt f useful reference bs and interesting str bs. I believe "nwledge is pwer". I hpe I can learn a lt fr these bs and iprve stud. In the evening, fail had a big dinner part. All the ebers in fail wished e a gd luc in the new ear.
  There are a lt f hlidas fr chinese peple, such as Natinal da, Ma Da, etc. Hwever, chinese peple l n spring festival as their st iprtant ne f all.And it's als favrite festival, especiall when I was a child, because In thse das, I culd have a plent f delicius fd t eat, en a ver lng hlida and wear beautiful clthes. And what is re iprtant is that I culd received uch new ear's gift ne. S, everear, I expected the spring festival wuld ce sn. After I grew up, it's n lnger as iprtant t e as befre . Fr I can have delicius fd and wear favrite clthes ever da. It's lie I' having spring festival ever da!

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