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发表于 2021-3-11 05:36:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  I love reading, the book is a bright window, opened it, to be able to read other people's happiness and sorrow. I like reading very much, I was a little bookworm.
  When I was about eight years old, I borrowed a book from the home to the students, the book named "the romance of the Three Kingdoms", home has more than eight points, I lay in bed, looked at the time, I just saw the war Cao Cao Guan Yu, the mother, she put a quilt, said: "this book comes from where? "I said:" this is my speech on "Three Kingdoms" from home to the students borrowed. "In the evening, I took the book to the nest, continued to see Cao Cao sword fights Guan Yu, and mother was found, the mother picked up the book, as if to give me to burn. I hurried back to mom, don't make me, next time I don't read in bed. I won the favorite book, it is long time friend, I like riding a horse without reins of the horse, the vicissitudes of life in the book of the world travel, enjoy their love and hate.

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