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二年级关于母亲节的英语作文Mothers Day

发表于 2021-3-11 05:34:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  When my mother was a gentle, noble and beautiful princess. But the evil, than a witch and horror one hundred times, comparable with the tiger. At this time, my skin to tighten a little, don't bother her, just hide, lest suffer.
  She and her father's age, two people are very similar. It is good to me, all the stars in the sky will be for me to pick, but evil, don't treat me as a baby son, almost no one.
  We all love to sing "my mother's eyes" this song, my mother's eyes like stars in the sky, but my mother look sharp knife is sharp, than, as long as she is with the eyes staring at me, I will.
  My mother speaks like boys, hoarse bass, although her face is very beautiful, if her voice is perfect, that is the whole universe have no particular mother.
  My mother do the housework very hard, but she has a fear of. The most afraid of mice, rats, whether it is slight, black rat, guinea pig, I fear, with Tinker Bell can be sworn. However, only a mouse she not afraid, you guess! "Mouse" "hamster", she played can be great, brave.
  My mother is very love me, will give me what I want, but often repeat, do not repeat the words, I would be more happy.
  Thank you for your! Dear mom! When your son really happy Oh!

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