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A busy week

发表于 2021-3-11 05:32:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  a busy week 
  大新小学五年级(1)班 吴天舒
  wu tianshu: i hada busy week.  
  zeng jiayi: what did you du last week?  
  wu tianshu: i read a book. i did my homework.  
  zeng jiayi: good! i love books!  
  wu tianshu: me too. i cleaned my bedroom and played computer by myself. i don't like cleaned bedroom. what did you do?  
  zeng jiayi: my cousins and i shopped and saw grandpa practise kung fu, too.  
  wu tianshu: they wereboring!  
  zeng jiayi: i think so.  
  wu tianshu: what else?  
  zeng jiayi: i slept.  
  wu tianshu: oh, my god! a lazy girl.  
  指导老师:刘 旭  

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