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My family

发表于 2021-3-11 05:32:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  my family
  i live with my family in a beautiful house.the house has a big yard.it's a special yard.there're not any trees in it,but there are two cows in the yard.i have two brothers and one sister.my first brother is twenty -one years old and my second brother is nineteen.my sister is fifteen.i'm a baby of my family,i'm only eight years old.today is snday.my family all at home.my mother is very busy.she's washing clothes.my father is reading newpapers.my first brother is fixxing his new car and my second brother is getting ice-cream.my sister is cleaning her bike.i'm playing with my chicks in the yard.how happy we are!

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