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孕妇在阳光下(A Pregnant Woman in the sun)

发表于 2021-3-11 05:19:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  she had nearly dozed away the whole lazy afternoon, with her eyelash loose down and some naughty hairs playing and rejoicing on her forehead.
  occasionally, she would knit her brows out of a surge of pain. but when relief came she would smile again and relish once more the enchanting curve of her abdomen, feeling the fresh pulse of the child inside.the afternoon went by quietly, of which the highlight might be butterfly that kept pestering her. now it had alighted on her chair, wings shining in the setting sun, triggering her childlike fantasy. her finger could not help but snail its way toward the little creature. nearer and nearer, until the butterfly was finally between her delicate fingers. after a while, she decided to release it. no sooner had she slightly opened her fingers than the little creature sprang right up into the air, as vigorous, she thought, as her future child would be.
  so, always, true vitality resides in tranquility, as real beauty in love.

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