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午休室(office noon breaks)

发表于 2021-3-11 05:19:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  noon break is a hot new topic among young white-collars in china. heavier pressure at work and longer hours means less time to de-stress. making full use of the noon break at the office can help reenergize a tired employee from the morning's work. here we have listed some ideas for you to get the most out of your noon break.
  take a nap
  yang yang, an employee at a foreign company also does freelance writing work on the side. his schedule is so busy that sometimes he writes stories late into the night. for him, the best way of spending the noon break is taking a short nap. since it's not comfortable to rest your head on your desk and give yourself a neck-ache yang searched for a good place to rest his bones. finally he realized no one was using the company's meeting room at noon, and inside there was a comfortable sofa. thus, the meeting room has become yang's noon break napping place.but it pays to be careful where you choose to lay your head. one sunny afternoon, his boss came into the room with some customers while yang was having sweet dreams on his new napping couch!
  tip: having a nap at noon really does your health good, but when you look for a good place to rest your tired eyes, you should be very careful!

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