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重庆美眉(Chongqing Meimei)

发表于 2021-3-11 05:19:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  chongqing is famous for its hotpot excellent in color, smell and taste, and more famous for its girls. maybe with many up-and-down roads in this city, chongqing girls have to climb up and down since childhood, which makes their beautiful legs sexual as well as slender.
  years ago, chongqing was only a sichuan's subordinate city. for quite a long time, its brilliance was outshined by the provincial capital, chengdu. when it upgraded into a municipality directly under the central government, just like a daughter-in-law finally turning into a mother-in-law after many years, we surprisingly found that chongqing girls really had confidence and forthrightness worthy of a centrally administered municipality.
  chongqing is not a stylish city, and this is, of course, a pity to its girls, but with god's favor, they are born to have bright eyes, white teeth and a forthright character, which result in their strong personality, infinite glamor, burning passion and proper behavior. in general speaking, chongqing girl is fit to be female cousin -- one's unforgettable first love.

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