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发表于 2021-3-11 05:18:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  namtso kiss:in one of the world’s most remote regions, a tibetan peasant dressed in animal skins attends to her grandson near namtso lake.
  in sight of shalu:with prayer beads in hand and guided by homemade spectacles, a pilgrim approaches tibet’s shalu monastery.
  the road to majang :on the desolate tibetan road to majang, snowcapped peaks rising beyond 21,000 feet guide a nomad’s journey.
  morning’s milk:at an elevation of more than 17,000 feet, a herder milks her goats. the nomads of the region roam the land with their animals and sleep in yak-haired tents.
  the road to majang :on the desolate tibetan road to majang, snowcapped peaks rising beyond 21,000 feet guide a nomad’s journey.
  morning’s milk:at an elevation of more than 17,000 feet, a herder milks her goats. the nomads of the region roam the land with their animals and sleep in yak-haired tents.
  faithful debate :at the six hundred year-old sera monastery, young monks gather each afternoon to debate the principles of tibetan buddhism.
  monastery ritual:monks remain deep in thought after an early morning prayer meeting at drepung monastery.
  smoke and sacred offerings:pilgrims burn sacred evergreen offerings at a chorten as they prepare to walk hundreds of steps to potala palace, once the home of the dalai lama. many wait their entire lives to have the opportunity.
  horseman in red:a tibetan horseman wearing traditional racing attire gathers his energy before a village competition outside of lhasa.

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