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发表于 2021-3-4 08:27:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  shopaholic 购物狂
  A compulsive shopper
  retro shopping 购物反刍
  Retro shopping is to compare prices for an item after you have already purchased it.
  backseat buyer 后座购物者
  Backseat buyer is a person who gets excited over other people’s future or current purchases. Backseat buyer enjoys helping other person choose stuff as much as buying something for himself/herself.
  holiday package anxiety 节日包裹焦虑症
  Refers to freaking-out over that special online purchase that’s supposed to be delivered before Christmas.
  entry lux 轻奢品
  Refers to the entry level class of luxury goods.
  deshopper 买完就退者
  A person who buys something with the specific intention of using it and later returning it to the shop for a full refund.
  showrooming 先逛店后网购
  The practice of going to a conventional store to look at a product and then buying it online for a cheaper price.
  shopping period 购物生理期
  The period of lasting for 10 days ahead of menstrual period. Realaterd researches show that during this period, women have strong intention of purchasing.
  monitor shopping 浏览器购物
  You are online only browsing, not looking for anything in particular because you can’t afford it or you don’t need any of them, but you enjoy looking anyway.
  Monitor shopping是window shopping的电子版。
  Chinsumer 中国购物狂
  A blend of Chinese and consumer, refers to generous Chinese consumers who spend a lot on brand name products when travelling abroad.
  retail therapy 购物疗法
  A kind of shopping behavior in order to adjust one’s mood .
  cyber model 麻豆
  A kind of new-rising career . The cyber models do not have to be sexy. The most important thing is to be lovely and good at showing different poses.
  transumer 旅游购物狂
  Consumers who shop a lot during their journeys.

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