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四年级英语作文my eating habits

发表于 2021-2-25 06:56:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  The influence Westernization has had on the eating habits of Taiwan residents is reflected in the rapid spread of fast food shops. These restaurants are packed almost every day. Hamburgers, pizzas and spaghetti are increasingly popular. Part of the reason for their popularity is the fondness of local residents for the exotic. Another part of the reason is the clean, simple surroundings and quick service at fast food shops.
  Improved education and medicine, which has increased the people's knowledge of and concern about nutrition, has also brought about changes in eating habits. There is a tendency, especially among young people, to follow high-fiber, low-fat diets. Weight watchers, whose numbers are increasing, are careful about how much they eat as well as what they eat. On the whole, people are more selective about their food.

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