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英语作文:An interesting gae

发表于 2021-2-25 06:54:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  It’s a brea f Mnda’s afternn. All friends left the classr. I felt s bring. I thught It’s tie t d se hewr. At the sae tie, a classate said t e: Can u pla a gae with e? Of curse! I answered with a happ vice.
  Then we went t the center f the plagrund. It’s a gd place. M classate said.
  What can we d? I ased.
  I thin we can pla a gae naed ‘Red Ht Pepper’. She siled and tld e, It’s a sipping rpe.
  I guess it will be an interesting gae. u d the first. I said.
  N prble. She said. She sipped and sang a sng:Vinegar, ustard, Pepper, salt. Chili sauce and picles, nins ixed with alt. Catsup, etchup, Red Ht Pepper···
  When she cae t Catsup, etchup, she sipped ver ver fast.
  Oh, Lrd! I can’t pla the gae s fast. I thught.
  Suddenl, the ring rang. We’ll be late! I shuted. We ran t the classr as fast as we culd. Befre the ring stpped, we had ust arrived the classr. I culd hear her wea vice: Dear e.
  I thin Red Ht Pepper is a real interesting gae, althugh I can’t pla it ver well.

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