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发表于 2021-2-4 04:54:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  I was at my grandmother's house in the woods, find a stick. And pretend good ah, lying in the bark of the tree does not look really can not see, just as like as two peas! See I don't bombard your command -- the brain
  I pick it up with a stick, placed in a small pit, buried on the soil, showing only a head, and then lit a firecracker, into the soil. I'm clutching his ears to run backward. Ba! Soil splash out, stick insect motionless in the small hole, the small hole is steaming! I buried soil, erected a wooden stick in the side, in front of plug 3 firecrackers, muttered: "Monty, rest in peace!"
  Now in retrospect feel funny, stick insects into my victim.
竹节虫  我在奶奶家屋后的树林里,发现了一只竹节虫。和伪装的不错啊,趴在树皮上不仔细看还真看不出来,简直和树皮一模一样!看我不炮击你的指挥部&&脑子

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