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发表于 2021-2-3 00:45:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  There are a lot of things happing around us every day,every year.But there must be one thing we have never forget in our life.Now let me share a story between a stranger and me with you.
  One day,I just got on a crowded bus back home after school.A woman behind me pushed me hard forward,and shouted loudly," Go,Go,Go inside.Don't stand at the dood.It is so crowded." I was so angry and thought she was a bored woman.But I went inside.After a while,the moman went up to me and said in a low voice," someone put his hand into your bag.I really wanted to help you.I checked my bag and all the things were inside.I felt so ashamed that I only said," I am so sorry,but thank you."
  I even didn't know the woman's name.But this thing will be left in my mind forever.I know sometimes someone did a little thing,maybe it is nothing to her,but for another one,it means a lot.
  One day,I just got on a crowded bus back home after school.A woman behind me pushed me hard forward,and shouted loudly," Go,Go,Go inside.Don't stand at the dood.It is so crowded." I was so angry and thought she was a bored woman.But I went inside.After a while,the moman went up to me and said in a low voice," someone put his hand into your bag.I really wanted to help you.I checked my bag and all the things were inside.I felt so ashamed that I only said," I am so sorry,but thank you."

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