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发表于 2021-2-2 16:15:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Mr.leungko told you to be honest with your homework. Obviously,he is a thoughtful and kind-hearted person. However,he is not open-minded enough. Well, I'm a humorous writer and I'd like to give you an advise: "Be brave to post your photo,please." If you are very good-looking,smart idea will soon fly out of Mr.leungko's mind. I'm sure he will be very royal to your picture and be responsible to your request.
  All too soon it is time to end my essay. I believe you can make your own wise decision to pick the best answer.No matter whether the best goes to Mr.leungko or me,the result is hysterical---funny for sure!

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