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A Trip-150字二年级英语作文

发表于 2021-2-2 16:12:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Last weekend, I travelled in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is a very beautiful modern city, it’s to the south of Guangdong. There are many tall buildings and wonderful places to visit, such as: Victorian Park(维多利亚公园), Disneyland park(迪士尼乐园). What I like best is to visit the Ocean Park(海洋公园). The Ocean Park is the biggest recreation center(休闲中心) in the southeast of Asia(东南亚), each year many people go there to pay a visit. We saw many performances by the dolphins and the whales. The performances were very exciting and the animals were very lovely. We really had a good time in Hong Kong.

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