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《Cultural Heritage》Section Ⅷ PPT课件









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发表于 2020-5-26 20:06:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

《Cultural Heritage》Section Ⅷ PPT课件
1.China is becoming a leading player in the world market of ____________ (有创造力的) goods and service.
2.Anyhow, we badly need a ____________(平衡) between study and relaxation.
3.Besides, more interest groups should be ____________ (建立) for students.
4.This morning, our class ____________ (组织) an activity of cleaning the beach and protecting the oceans.
5.She ____________(企图) to get up, but could not move one leg.
6.The app is really easy to use, and all songs can be ____________ (下载) to your phone for playing when offline.
7.Net Library is a library that lends out ____________ (数码的) books.
8.The ____________(传统) and customs held on this festival differ from place to place, but there are some similarity in them.
9.She has ____________(认出) the person who attacked the old woman.
10.President Xi Jinping likes to ____________(引用)great lines or phrases from Chinese and foreign classics.
1.More and more young people are thinking ____________ (creative) to make their dreams come true.
2.There is a strong probability that Mr.Brown will ____________ (promote) next week.
3.The chairperson received about three hundred ____________ (apply) to join the Bird Watching Club.
4.He’s got himself into a dangerous situation where he is likely ____________ (lose) control.
5.The UN said that sand is not ____________ (limit) and that we might be running out of it.
6.The school is just ____________ walking distance of my house.So I am never late for school.
7.It is being discussed whether it is worthwhile to ____________ (preserve) temples like this at such high costs.
8.The news that our team won the champion soon found its way ____________ the country.
9.No sooner had she apologized than he ____________ (forgive) her.
10.It is not enough to have great ____________(quality),and we should also have the management of them.
take part in, give way to, turn to, lead to, keep balance, make a proposal, prevent...from..., donate...to...
1.It’s hard to ________________ on just one foot.
2.He ________________ that the problem be discussed at the meeting.
3.To the west, the limestone ________________ a variety of rocks.
4.Farmers have ________________ keeping deer because it can make a lot of money.
5.Modern science has given clear evidence that smoking can ________________ many diseases.
6.We ________________ a voluntary activity organized by our school last Sunday.
7.We ________ some money and clothing ________ the children whose parents were killed in the earthquake.
8.The disease ________ the blood ________ circulating freely, which will cause deaths quickly.
1.The man _________________________________(昨天参观我们学校的) is from London.
2.He talked about a hero _____________________________ (没有一个人听说过的).
3.Nearby were two boats _________________________________________________(他们来这个岛屿时乘坐的).
4.My grandfather never forgets the day ______________________________________(他被接纳入党的).
5.The story ______________________________ (这个著名作家讲的) was very long.
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