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《Huamns and nature》Lesson1 A Sea Story PPT









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《Huamns and nature》Lesson1 A Sea Story PPT
Activity 1
Do you know any stories about people and the sea?
Use the words and phrases below to describe the pictures.
a fisherman  a fishing boat         a whirlpool  waves
to escape           to survive a storm  to float         wild
Activity 2
Read the Fact File on page 30 and answer the questions.
What is a “Moskoe-strom”?
It is a system of tidal whirlpools in the Norwegian Sea.
Who wrote the story?
Edgar Allan Poe wrote the story.
What do you think will happen in the story?
Activity 3
Read the text and answer questions.
1. Who are the main characters in the story?
2. Who is telling the story?
3. When and where did the story happen?
4. What effect did the terrible experience have on the storyteller?
Activity 4
Read again and complete. Then add the storyteller’s feelings during each situation.
1. When we were coming back from the island, the sky ________________________. Then a huge wave ___________________ and my younger brother _______________. My elder brother _____________ “Moskoe-strom”!
2. The wind and the waves carried us ________________________________. Then, we were _______________ it. Suddenly, we _________________.
3. The boat was on the inside of ___________________ and we were going round in ________________________. After I made three important observations, I tied myself to _____________________. I tried to make my brother _________, but he was ____________________.
4. Soon afterwards, the whirlpool ________________. The waves soon carried me away and finally a boat _______________.
Activity 5
1. How did the storyteller overcome his fear and struggle to survive from the whirlpool?
2. Retell the story, using time words such as when, suddenly, then, and finally.
Activity 6
Group Work: Think and Share
1. What were the three observations the storyteller made?
2. Why did the storyteller survive while his elder brother didn’t?
3. What does the storyteller mean by “it took only six hours to break my body and soul”?
4. What lessons have you learnt from the story? Give your reasons.
5. What is the story trying to say about the relationship between humans and nature?
Activity 7
Synonyms and Antonyms.
Synonyms: words with similar meanings
Antonyms: words with opposite meanings
Activity 8
Complete the summary.
The storyteller experienced a Moskoe-strom which broke his 1_____________. One day, he was out fishing with his two brothers when the sky suddenly clouded over and they were in 2______________. A huge 3________ covered the boat and his younger brother 4___________ the sea. The boat went over the edge into the 5_________ and they went round in circles. The storyteller felt there was no escape but observed that round and 6_________ shaped objects of 7___________ fell down more slowly. So he 8____________________ to help himself float. He tried to make his elder brother understand, but he was too 9______________________________. Finally the storyteller 10________ the storm.
Activity 9
Relative clauses
Definition: a relative clause a part of a sentence that has a verb in it and is joined to the rest of the sentence by “who”, “which”, “where”.
That was the day when it took only six hours to break my body and soul.
… the reason why I’m here to tell the story is that I made the right decision.
… and the wave soon carried me to an area where the other fishermen were.
Activity 10
Pair Work: Read, compare and choose.
Read the sentence below and compare them. Which choice (a or b) do you think is better. Why?
1 a Is there a shop nearby? I want to buy some sweets in the shop.
  b Is there a shop nearby where I can buy some sweets?
2 a We can go there on Sunday. Few people go to work on Sunday.
  b We can go there on Sunday when few people go to work.
3 a He was so upset for some reason. He didn’t tell me the reason.
  b He didn’t tell me the reason why he was so upset.
Activity 11
Talk about yourself using relative clauses.
I’ll never forget the day _________________.
I was born in a city/town _____________________.
I’ll never know the reason ______________________________.
Activity 12
Pair Work: Storytelling.
Tell your partner a special and personal experience using relative clauses.
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