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发表于 2022-7-25 10:26:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
暑假计划英语作文篇1  "Red sun is burning like fire", the hot summer day, we finally put the summer vacation. In this summer, I'm going to have to make the arrangements for the time: good fun, good study, don't let the old man take my minute.
  In order to enrich and enjoy the summer vacation, I have developed a plan for summer vacation, which is divided into study plan and life plan.
  Study plan:
  Finish your summer homework seriously. Don't be greedy. Take five pages a day.
  Learn English for an hour and a half every day.
  Write a composition every day.
  Preview the fifth course in the sixth grade, and prepare one lesson a day.
  Read one hour a day and take notes.
  I have time to practice drawing and improve my painting skills.
  Have time to practice dancing and lay the foundation for your own sport.
  I have time to practice writing and write a beautiful pen.
暑假计划英语作文篇2  The annual summer vacation is coming. This summer, I will have a happy, safe and fulfilling summer vacation.
  I thought about it this evening, and I did a summer record.
  I will finish my teacher's homework on time.
  Play daily half day and study for half a day. Be very careful when you play.
  3, read at least one meaningful book, read the book notes, and write down the reading.
  Take exercise and exercise.
  Wake up early and get up early in the morning.
  Practice your words and practice your words best.
  This long summer vacation is one of our most relaxing vacations. A plan must be obeyed.
暑假计划英语作文篇3  Another happy summer vacation. I cannot waste this precious time. I should not only play well, but also study harder. In order to make this summer meaningful and meaningful, we will make the following life and study plans:
  Half a day of play, half a day of study. Be very careful when you play. The summer homework assigned by the teacher is carefully completed.
  I will finish my teacher's homework on time and finish the homework assigned by my mother to the writing class, the small journalist class, the class of the class, the calligraphy class.
  3, read at least one meaningful book, read the book notes, and write down the reading.
  Practice the harmonica according to the requirements of the school.
  Pay attention to exercise and exercise. Best can let mom and dad took me to the heyang magical springs "virgin" swimming, catch a few fish there, after you come back to complete school arrangement "happy swimming pool" and "xia" two paintings.
  Go to yan 'an with your father and mother, see huangdi ling, pagoda hill, date garden, Yang jialing and yan 'an revolutionary museum, accept yan 'an spirit education. On the way, look at the waterfall of the Yellow River and the martyrs' cemetery in wawa street. When he came back, he wrote an essay in my heart, yan 'an. The first edition of the paper is called the yan 'an spirit of eternal life.
  Watch two movies with your father and mother; Go to the wild goose pagoda square and enjoy the largest music fountain in xi 'an.
  If you still have time, check the information online and look at the composition. Try to read more outside books and try to expand your knowledge.
暑假计划英语作文篇4  Many classmates ask me about my plan for summer holiday. How I wish I could have a colorful and fruitful holiday, so I have decided to do a part-time job during the summer vacation. On the one hand, I can earn some pocket money by doing a part-time job. I can spend them freely, because they are earned by myself. On the other hand, I can accumulate some practical experience by doing a part-time job. They can’t be learned in the class or from text books. Besides, I will go over my study and do some preview. I don’t want to waste the summer holiday.
暑假计划英语作文篇5  Summer plan
  Summer holiday is coming. I have made a wonderful plan for the holiday.
  First of all, I am going to Shenyang with my father to visit my grandparents. They have been ill in bed for about two years. I am always worried about them. I will stay there for 20 days.
  After I return home, I will spend some time studying math, because I am not good at it. I am sure I will do better in it.
  Next, I will of course do some housework, such as cooking meals and cleaning the rooms.
  I will have a good time during the holiday.
暑假计划英语作文篇6  After the challenging College Entrance Examination, my anticipated summer holiday has begun. I will have a long winter holiday for almost three month. But I have already planned for it. Firstly, I will have a good rest at home and spend some time with my parents. I studied at school before, so I don’t have much time to company them. And then, I want to take a part-time job. I have graduated from senior school, and I think that a part-time job can help me being independent. I hope what I learn in school will be helpful to my new job. After earning some money, I want to have an after-graduation trip that I have been dreaming of for a very long time. My first choice is Xiamen, which is an attractive city. When the trip ends, it’s time for the college.

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