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我对看电视的看法(My View on Watching TV)

发表于 2021-9-13 04:17:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  in recent years, television has become the most popular form of entertainment―almost every family has a television now. television has brought people much pleasure and information.
  on television, people can watch olympic games, they can visit well-known scenic spots, and they can also enjoy a movie with a cup of coffee in their hands. from tv, people are informed about many things happening in the world, and people who live in different areas can also watch programs made in other countries so as to understand different cultures.
  however, some people argue against tv. they think spending too much time watching tv will affect human relationship. suppose a whole family were glued to seats to watch programs on tv whenever they can. they would be so addicted to tv that it would begin to control their lives. as a result, they would neglect communication with each other, so day by day, families and friends would not discuss things together, and a gap between them would appear.
  in my opinion, we shouldn't deny the advantages tv just because it has some drawbacks. the point is that tv itself is neither good nor bad. its value to people and society depends on how we look at it.

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