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发表于 2021-4-6 04:13:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  the four seasons
  in spring, the weather is warm and comfortable. sometimes it is rainy. flowers grow and blossom. animals get up. birds sing everyday. they are very happy. people wear t-shirts and trousers. it is green everywhere in the country. there are many trees on the hills. if you go there, you can feel well.
  in summer, the weather is hot and rainy. people do not like to go out. but sometimes they go swimming. because it is very hot. so they like to eat ice creams. we students like summer. because they have a long holiday—the summer holiday. we do not go to school and visit many places.
  autumn comes after summer and before winter. it begins to get cold. sometimes it is windy. leaves become yellow. we can see that many fruits and fields are yellow.
  the coldest season is winter. in some places, it snows. people wear coats and hats. some children make snowman. they are happy.
  i like summer the best. and you?

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