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发表于 2021-3-11 05:34:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  There is only good mother, I was no exception. Mom has a white face, a pair of round eyes, a black head of hair. Mother's love is selfless dedication.
  Mother every year in the winter are to weave a beautiful new sweater to me, let me have a warm winter. Mother to work every day, off work back to knit a sweater for me. You said: "what is this?" Is a mother's love.
  When I was 4 years old a small lump grew on the arm, my mother took me to a hospital checking, the doctor said: "to do surgery." After much cogitation mom and dad agreed. Mother day and night after the operation finished watching I hardly slept a wink all night. You said: "what is this?" Is a mother's love. A mother's love reminds me of a mother's love poem "the wanderer". All the dribs and drabs, together, this is a mother's love.

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