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发表于 2021-3-11 05:20:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  education plays a great role in our life. but, real education begins with self education. that is to educate ourselves.
  i have had such experience. when i finish reading a good book, which is informative and exciting, i am lost deep in thoughts and enlightened. something or somebody ordinary in life, once written in books, after careful reading and thinking, will reveal truth and philosophy. when i succeed or fad, get praised or criticized, happy or sad, i can find in books a good mirror to reflect and guide me i cannot but put myself upon thinking,"what was i? what will i he?" at this time, my mind is open and i am my sincere self. i am having a dialogue with myself, with my conscience. without my knowing it, i am educating myself.so you can see by self -education. i mean thinking and contradicting within the mind. in the process of thinking and contradicting i have recollections and appraisal of myself. then i make decisions aecording]y and keep myself in control of my thoughts and actions in the hope that i better myself in character, behavior, virtue and manner.
  self-education is an effective way to make one noble minded, more able and intelligent and to perfect oneself. if a man keeps receiving education and educating himself, he is sure to be one cut above others.

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