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论责任感(On Sense of Responsibility)

发表于 2021-3-11 05:20:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  by sense of responsibihty, we mean the realization of one's task, duty or obligation. as a teacher, one should he reslonsible to the students. as a student, one should recognize his or her duty and should be blamed if one fails to carry out one's duty.
  duty calls for the students to study hard. it is no easy task. i have to plnck up my courage, face the difficulties and accept thechallenge. i must be responsible re myself for everything i do.now my heart is heavy with the burden of sense of responsibility. the pressure lends to my care and worry, but i should be thankful for it. this sense of responsibility spurs me to go on. i must make steady progress in study, my ability and attitude toward life and study concerns not only the school, but also my own future. to have a good position in society, to repay my parents, teachers and the school leaders for their kindness, i must study hard. relying on my own efforts i want to be my best self.
  from now on, i will read books that i do not like to read, and do things that i do not like to do. in fact, there is no absolute like or dislike. the more you read, the more you are interested in reading. i have had such personal experience. therefore, i can carry on to the end, doing things in which i am uninterested to the end. it concerns my future.

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