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我朋友的家(My friend’s house)

发表于 2021-3-11 05:19:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  my friend lives in a small house with his parents. after school, i will pass his house, because we live in the same alley. one day, my friend invited me to his house and had a nice look at his house and rooms inside.
  it is a three story house, with a living room and a kitchen on the first floor. the second floor has two bedrooms, where the third floor possesses a guest room and a storage room. in his living room, there is a small fish pot, a piano, a tv set, and some sofas. my friend is good at playing piano and he plays almost every day. he let me try on the piano, but all i can do is playing simple tones. after i visited his house, i always dream about having a piano of my own.
  i often go to my friend’s house. the place is warm and his family are very kind. i think his house is one of the coziest places in the world. i hope one day i will have a house just like his.

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