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乌来瀑布(Wu-Lai Waterfall)

发表于 2021-3-11 05:19:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  i have heard of the magnificent niagara falls in the united states but i have never been there.
  i had a chance to visit wu-lai waterfall last sunday. we, a group of five,took the bus to the entrance of the mountain and walked about three miles to the top of the mountain. we were excited when we saw the waterfall across the river hank. the spray of the waterfall is very attractive. and surprisingly, we saw a beautiful rainbow above the waterfall. the combination of the drops of the waterfall and the rainbow made a beautiful picture.
  on our way home, we stopped by an aboriginal house to watch their dance and singing. we really enjoyed our trip.

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