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我人生的真正考验(A real test in My life)

发表于 2021-3-11 05:19:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  when i was a ten-year-old girl, i was once asked to deliver a speech titled a real test in my life. to talk before the whole class! just imagine! that will be a real test to me, then so terribly shy as to tremble at the mere thought of uttering any word with so many eyes set upon me.
  i had no other choice, though. first was to draft the speech. this just a piece of cake to me; i was a good writer----something to pride myself in. the hard part lied with my oral presentation; to read from the paper was not allowed; i had to give the speech from my memory and in front of such a big audience! a real trial began when i stood on the platform, my mind blank and my legs trembling. somewhere from that corner came some giggling or what. my eyes became dim and i vaguely sensed some cool dripping down my face.
  how much time had passed by, i didn’t know. my audiences were still waiting, patiently and without signs of rushing me. gradually found myself back, stammering out my speech. finally i finished. after what seemed to be a hundred years, i found my audience applauding. i made it!
  from then on, my fear for talking before an audience disappeared. actually with my confidence building up, i now turn to be a great speaker. looking back, i know the greatest obstacle on our way to success is our fear; overcome it and let our potential out, and we will make to our goals

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