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坚持写英文日记(Keeping a Diary in English)

发表于 2021-3-11 05:19:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  keeping a diary in english is one of the effective ways to improve our english writing ability. compared with other forms of writing, it is shorter and takes less time. it can help us to cultivate the habit of thinking in english. if we persist in his practice, gradually we’ll learn how to express ourselves in english.
  in keeping a diary in english, we inevitably run up against a lot of difficulties. in the first place, it often happens that we have trouble finding appropriate words and phrases to express our mind. in the second place, there are many idiomatic ways of saying things in chinese. and it is extremely hard for us to put them into english properly.
  as far as i’m concerned, my suggestion is that we should always have a notebook and a chinese-english dictionary within easy reach. what’s more, we can also turn to our english teacher for help, if necessary. in short, it is of great value to keep a diary in english for the development of our writing skills.

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