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我国人数位居世界第二(China's Internet users world's second largest)

发表于 2021-3-11 05:18:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  the fast growth of internet has become a spotlight in china's information and communications industries, said vice minister of ministry of information industry jiang yaoping on thursday.
  jiang told a national meeting on internet that the country's increasing netizens prompted the rapid development of internet related technologies in china.
  the number of broadband users reached 77 million and there are currently 788,000 websites in the country, according to jiang.
  despite its second place in the world list, internet penetration is actually relatively weak per capita in the country of 1.3 billion people.
  jiang said internet has played an increasingly important role in promoting china's economic development and improving people's life quality.
  meanwhile, he said china is stepping up efforts in supervising the internet. with the wide use of internet in the country, his ministry has already shifted focus from ensuring information and network safety to protecting intellectual property rights, consumers' rights and privacy and business secrets.
  a series of rules and regulations have been worked out in this regard, including the internet safety emergency plan, he noted.

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