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发表于 2021-3-11 05:18:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  wealth has always been what some people long for. it is true that most of them try to acquire(取得) wealth(财富) by means of honest labor. their efforts contribute to the welfare(幸福,福利) of society and at the same time to the accumulation(累积) of their wealth. this brings them happiness.
  there is no doubt that wealth brings happiness especially in modern society, where various kinds of modern conversation, new fashions and entertainments make their appearance with each passing day. these can improve a person’s life he or she has money to buy them.
  but wealth does always not go hand in hand with happiness. wealth may encourage those weak-willed person to be addicted(沉溺于某种) to some harmful habits such as drug taking or gambling(赌掉),and bring about their own ruin(毁灭). also a person may lose his reason and go astray(迷路) if he is passionately(热情地) devote to seeking wealth. therefore, one can never count on wealth to achieve happiness.

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