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发表于 2021-3-11 05:16:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  it is symbolically illustrated in the cartoon that a striker is preparing to shoot at the goal defended by a goalkeeper on a football field. in the goalkeeper’s mind, he is so much smaller than he actually is that guarding the goal becomes a mission impossible. on the contrary, the giant guard seems to fill up the whole goal in the attacking player’s mind.
  the purpose of the drawing is to show us that in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges or predicament, possessing self-confidence is of utmost significance.
  regardless of how much success one has had in school or at work, there are bound to be times when he or she will encounter difficulties and problems. it is at these critical times that his self-confidence, towards difficulty and life in general, eventually plays a crucial role in determining whether he can turn failure into victory.
  i can think of no better illustration than the following one. helen keller was born deaf, dumb and blind, certainly nothing to give her self-confidence. nevertheless, she went on to conquer her multiple handicaps to finally become a writer and lecturer, to become an inspiration to all. this case effectively clarifies that no matter what tasks we are confronted with, we should never overestimate the difficulties or underestimate our abilities.

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