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The Light Will Always Come

发表于 2021-3-11 05:16:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  as the water frothed,   and the sun did go,   the dark brought forth a tear,   i sat up high,   upon my rock,   no one would see me here.   when all is lost,   i stare alas,   and listen to the oceans prayer,   you must listen close,   her words are soft,   yet, they are always there.   she knows how you pain,   when the light is gone,   and the dark tells you lies,   she says to you,   that no matter what,   the sun will always rise.   and when it comes,   it pierces the horizon,   showing the dark no fear,   for the light comes every day,   each morning,   to dry up that fallen tear.

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