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怎样拍照(How to Take Photographs)

发表于 2021-2-25 06:29:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  in order to take photographs with your new camera,you must follow these simple instructions. first, take the film cassette out of its packet,and insert it into the back of the camera. wind the film on until a number 1 appears in the film window at the back of the camera.
  now set the aperture to one of the five positions,marked by the sun or cloud signs,according to the lighting conditions. (don't forget to take off the lens cover!)
  look through the viewfinder and move the camera until what you want to photograph appears between the white lens. hold the camera steady and press the shutter release hutton slowly. that's all you have to do to get perfect pictures!

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