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发表于 2021-2-3 17:18:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  the dragon boat festival composition 300 characters
  the dragon boat festival is a traditional chinese festival, the dragon boat festival there is a legend that the name. once there was a man named qu yuan the great patriotic poet, as opposed to compromise, even by the claims against qin, chu authority to combat and frame, has been the king huai of chu and qin xiang wang relegated and banished. qu yuan left the capital, along the yangtze river east, walk alone, haggard color. long hair, have a wander life. when chu perish, since he hurl 汩 river, in order to let him be the fish to eat, people in this day of rice dumplings into the river. the dragon boat festival is the name of.
  the dragon boat festival is a very popular festival, every family pack dumplings, eating dumplings, this is the dragon boat festival must be custom, every kind of shape and dumplings, in the countryside, some people will pack a bag shaped dumplings, gave the children over his waist belt to school to eat while walking. taste is great, there are sweet, salty, spicy, spicy, even bitter has. but because of different flavors, package out is not the same. each local people basically only accustomed to their own package, for other place the flavor out of some people are not accustomed to, because the fillings are not the same, i still like to eat their own package dumplings.
  在端午节还有一个不可缺少的活动就是划龙舟。在宽广的江面上,放下三四条龙舟,十几个人奋力划动船桨,一人坐在龙首敲锣,一个人坐在舟中打鼓,众人齐喊“一二”“一二”,其阵势可与惊涛骇浪相媲美,岸边围观的群众顶着热辣的阳光,还依然不忘为自己喜爱的龙舟呐喊助威。再观向江中,几条龙舟犹如猛虎破江早已赛得你死我活,外围来的友人纷纷拿起相机快速地拍下这一幅幅壮观 观的场面。生怕以后再也看不见了。
  in the dragon boat festival is an indispensable activity is the dragon boat. in the broad river, down three or four dragon boat, a dozen people struggling to rowing, a person sitting in longshou gong, a person sitting in a boat and drumming, chanting" one or two"" one or two", the battle can be comparable with tempestuous waves, the crowd under the hot sun, still not forget to cheer for their favorite dragon boat. look to the river, a boat like the broken river already in the fight at outrance, peripheral to the friends have picked up the camera quickly took this picture of spectacle. so afraid that i can‘t see it any more.
  the dragon boat festival is a wonderful and happy holiday.

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