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发表于 2021-1-14 20:32:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  english lesson plans
  unit---american common phrases
  contents:introduces some basic life of common interest in english
  analysis of the students:due to the local education is relatively backward, students' english level is not high. because of the holiday, some students have home, class are from different grade students, english level difference is bigger.
  teaching aims:
  1. language knowledge
  1) to understand the english and american people say we learn the difference between the english   
  2) to know and be able to use the most commonly used some phrases in real life :
  a) knock it off
  b) big time
  c) kick back
  d)pull one's leg
  e)kick ass
  f)shoot and all set
  2. language skills
  1) to learn the most commonly used phrases and use them in communication.
  2) to learn some sentence patterns and use them in communication.     
  3.  learning strategy
  try to understand the language knowledge in the simulated situation.   
  3. book knowledge and the reality of the difference between usage
  to know the differences between chinese and the american.
  main points:use the language knowledge in communication.
  difficult points:understanding book knowledge and the reality of the difference between usage
  teaching aids:  question and the interaction between students
  teaching procedures:
  1. preparation
  1) the teacher questions—the teacher ask students to explain how they used the phrase
  2) students free discussion--discuss how they used these phrases
  3)the teacher's explanation--the teacher explained what summarize student,these phrases in american life, comparative analysis,   
  4) ask the students to feel
  2. presentation
  1)please report to the team representing the interesting english
  2)teacher questions, the student replied:
  ask students to some basic interesting english phrases how they are applied
  3)the teacher explained how to use some americans are interesting english phrase 共4页,当前第1页1234
  • 星空实践队第六小组总结
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