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《The Admirable》SectionⅡPPT









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《The Admirable》SectionⅡPPT
1.Discussion—Look at the following pictures and discuss what you know about Tu Youyou.
She is a medical researcher.She got the Nobel Prize in Medicine for discovering a life-saving drug called artemisinin in 2015.
2.Prediction—Look at the pictures on Page 52 and predict what the text is probably about?
The text is probably about Tu Youyou and her basic information.
1.First reading—Read the text and match the main idea of each paragraph.
Para.1   A.Her missions and research.
Para.2          B.Her attitude towards fame.
Para.3          C.Her achievements.
Para.4          D.Her personal information.
Para.5          E.The challenges she and her team faced.
2.Second reading—Read the text carefully and choose the best answer.
(1)How old was she when Tu Youyou got the Nobel Prize?
A.82.   B.83.   C.84.    D.85.
(2)Who helped Tu Youyou discover the life-saving drug?
A.Her friends.  B.Her family.
C.No one.      D.Her team.
(3)How long did Tu Youyou study Chinese medicine with experts in the field?
A.Two and a half years.
B.One and a half years.
C.A half year.
D.Three and a half years.
(4)Why was it difficult for them to discover artemisinin?
A.The team didn’t have enough money.
B.The team didn’t have enough resources.
C.The team didn’t have enough books.
D.The team wasn’t good at doing experiments.
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6.chicken pox水痘
7.measles 麻疹
9.diabetes 糖尿病
1.By reading the title of the text.
2.By looking at the pictures in the text.
3.By finding the topic paragraph.
4.By finding the topic sentence of each paragraph.
5.By skimming the key words.
6.By figuring out the writing purpose.
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The Admirable PPT,第二部分内容:语言现象感知
1.This is not only an honour for myself, but also a recognition and encouragement for all scientists in China.____________
2.Later, she studied Chinese medicine for two and a half years with experts in the field from whom she gained a deep knowledge about traditional practices.____________
3.However, after hundreds of failed experiments, they eventually came across a promising chemical.____________
4.Tu Youyou bravely volunteered to be the first human subject when they were ready to start testing and the rest of her team followed her.______________________
1.with the help of her team__________________
2.after graduation____________
3.traditional Chinese medicine____________
4.one by one____________
5.poor air quality____________
6.after hundreds of failed experiments________________________
7.internationally renowned____________
8.conduct research ____________
1.who引导定语从句;that 引导宾语从句;which引导定语从句
A scientist who was on the Nobel Prize Committee called Hans Forssberg explained that, “ the discovery of artemisinin has led to the development of new drugs which have saved the lives of millions”.
However, Tu Youyou had an idea that Chinese herbs might hold the secret.
3.but引导并列句;if 引导宾语从句
It worked well in experiments on animals, but they had to know if it was safe for humans.
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The Admirable PPT,第三部分内容:课时基础过关
1.We need more money if we are to make any further ____________(进步)in this area of science.
2.We only have a ____________(有限的)amount of time.
3.The newspapers described her as a ____________(有前途的)young singer.
4.What’s your ____________(秘诀)for success?
5.Do they have any place in ____________(女性的)leadership?
6.To lose ____________(荣誉)is more than to lose life.
7.He is a man of great ____________(智慧).
8.All these techniques are equally ____________ (effect).
9.At last, her father’s work has received popular ____________(recognise).
10.We ____________ (eventual) arrived at our destination.
1.________________(在……的帮助下)teachers and parents, they are learning how to use it.
2.Too much work and too little rest ________________(导致)illness.
3.Scientists are in search of ________________(治疗……的方法)the disease.
4.I ________________(偶然发现)this old photograph when looking for a book yesterday.
5.The story is so interesting that everyone ________________(对……感兴趣)it.
1.The woman was Tu Youyou,the first Chinese female scientist to be awarded a Nobel Prize for her work.
[仿写] 他是第一个想到这个主意的人。
He was __________________________________.
2.The reason why this was difficult was that the team had limited resources.
[仿写] 他成功的原因是他工作很努力。
__________________________________ he worked very hard.
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The Admirable PPT,第四部分内容:课文整体突破
1.award vt.授予;给予 n.奖品;奖
The woman was Tu Youyou, the first Chinese female scientist to be awarded a Nobel Prize for her work.(教材P52)
[合作探究] 体会award的用法和意义
He won an award for his wonderful performance in the show.
The headmaster awarded the winner a gold medal.
=The headmaster awarded a gold medal to the winner.
①win an award ____________ sth 因……而获奖
②award sb sth 颁发给某人某物
③award sth ____________ sb 授予某人某物
[巩固内化] 完成句子
①The judge _______________________________ as damages.
②Medals ___________________ the best speakers on the debating team.
③Our government will ______________________ whoever bravely exposes the terrorists.
2.honour n.荣誉 vt.感到荣幸 honoured adj.深感荣幸的;受尊敬的
“This is not only an honour for myself, but also a recognition and encouragement for all scientists in China.”(教材P53)
[合作探究] 体会honour的用法和意义
May I have the honour of the next dance?我有幸和您跳下一支舞吗?
We celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival in honour of Qu Yuan.
It’s my honour to apply for this job.申请这项工作是我的荣幸。
I feel/am honoured to be invited to speak here.受邀在这儿发言我感到荣幸。
①have the honour ____________ doing sth=have the honour to do sth 有幸做某事
②in honour ____________ 为了纪念;为了向……表示敬意
③It’s my honour ____________ sth 很荣幸做……
④be/feel honoured ____________ sth 为做……而感到荣幸
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The Admirable PPT,第五部分内容:语法整体突破
定语从句 (3)
[合作探究] 画出下列句子中的 “介词+ which/whom” 结构。
示例:The ladder on which I was standing began to slip.
①They tried to think of a plan by which they could complete their task ahead of time.
②I met a man with whom I used to work.
③We’ll go to see the famous singer about whom we have talked.
(1)关系代词在定语从句中作介词的宾语时,从句常由 “介词+____________” 引导。
二、“介词+which/whom ”中介词的确定
I still remember the day on which I joined the army.
He is the man for whom I’m waiting for a long time.
他是我等了很久的那个人。(wait for等待,为固定搭配)
He is a famous singer of whom we are proud.
他是一位我们引以为豪的著名歌唱家。(be proud of以……而自豪,为固定搭配)
This is the book without which I can’t pass the exam.
[自主发现2] “介词+which/whom ”中介词的确定方法:
I live in the room, the windows of which (of which the windows/whose windows) face south.我住在一个窗户朝南的房间里。
Last week, only two people came to look at the house, neither of whom wanted to buy it.上周只有两个人来看了房子,但是没有一个想要买的。
The football team has 15 members, the oldest of whom is 25 years old.
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