家庭主父 发表于 2021-5-29 10:22:54

Flowers Flourish and Flowers Are to Fade

Flowers Flourish and Flowers Are to Fade
  —adapted from Li Qingzhao
  Flowers flourish and flowers are to fade—
  Flowers have nothing at all to regret.
  For such is the stream of life they shall wade—
  As water ever thus to flow is let.
  Flowers are to fade to flourish anew—
  Flowers fly in air I see as winds blow.
  I cry and shed my tears for their sorrows,
  As flowers dance and petals fall like rains.
  My heart aches and breaks for their tearful woes,
  As they make mourning moans as if in pains.
  Flowers flourish, but wherefore do they fade?—
  Flowers fade, for that’s the way they are made!

梦落笙箫 发表于 2021-5-29 11:09:49

whichthe poem of Li Qing Zhao ,i haven't foundoutof my memory

Will龙卷风 发表于 2021-5-29 11:58:38

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