师哈哈达人 发表于 2021-2-3 17:24:13


篇一:我爱圣诞节英语作文带翻译  圣诞节到了,外面就像过年一样,热闹极了。
  It's Christmas day. It's like New Year's day. It's very lively.
  When I finished my homework, my father took me to the supermarket. Everyone in the supermarket is wearing a Christmas hat. There are lots of Christmas presents in the middle of the supermarket. There are Christmas hats, Christmas trees, Christmas paintings, Christmas lights and so on. I chose a bottle of snow.
  When I walked out of the supermarket into the street, I saw many stores with Santa Claus at the door and "merry Christmas" on the Windows. , the man in the street with a Christmas hat and laughing, when I take out spray spray snow sky, as if in the snow, I am very happy, happily said to dad: "dad merry Christmas!"
  The happiest time of Christmas is the gift of Santa Claus, and my heart is already flying to Santa Claus.
篇二:我爱圣诞节英语作文带翻译  圣诞节在我的记忆中,最为美丽的便是圣诞节了,因为它是美丽的,纯洁的,白雪皑皑,给人心带来温暖,更重要的是吃。
  Christmas in my memory, the most beautiful is Christmas, because it is beautiful, pure, white Snow White, bring warmth to the heart, more importantly eat.
  Santa Claus is a beautiful legend, seven colorful gifts full of knapsack, only believe good people can see; The Christmas song is a wonderful performance, the ups and downs are graceful, only the happy people can perceive its beauty; Warm wishes are a touching ballad, sincere friendship is sung to old, only my best friend can receive. How to! This is why I love Christmas, friends sincerely wishes, Christmas grandpa's gift, even though we all know, this is just my parents, however, just because of this, we cherish.
  This is the British holiday, but we have the same heart with them, I love Christmas, love its beauty, love its love, love its goodness, love its delicious food! Ha ha! Speaking of eating, it's really a foodie!
篇三:我爱圣诞节英语作文带翻译  每年我们都会过各种各样的节日,在这些节日里,我最喜欢圣诞节,因为圣诞老人会给我们送礼物。
  Every year we have a variety of festivals, and in these festivals, I like Christmas best, because Santa Claus will give us presents.
  Today, my mother bought me a big sock. I said, "mom, why do you buy such a big sock? I'm sure I can't wear it." My mother laughed and said, "I bought this big sock because it will be Christmas tomorrow. Santa will give us presents." I couldn't believe my ears. I decided to try it. In the evening, I hung my socks on the door. The next morning, I was dressed, and I went to see the presents in the socks. There was something in it, and it was the automatic pen suit I wanted! Santa knows my mind? It's magic!
  I hope every day is Christmas.
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