达人分享 发表于 2020-7-23 20:13:37


The cosmos from a wheelchair------Stephen Hawking, physicist, died on March 14th, aged 76
PREDESTINATION was not part of Stephen Hawking’s system of belief. It was mere coincidence that he was born 300 years to the day after Galileo Galilei died. But he did share something with him, other than being a great physicist; he became famous as much for his suffering as for his physics. His was caused not by ecclesiastical politicians who preferred obedience to free enquiry, but by muscle-wasting amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. It meant that he,too, had to fight to be heard.
In youth he never lacked confidence. He once interrupted the great astrophysi-cist Fred Hoyle in mid-lecture, at the Royal Society, to correct him on the masses of particles. But once he could no longer write down equations, theories had to be translated into geometry in hi s head; and after a tracheotomy in 1985, the ocean of his thinking had to be forced through a cumbersome and narrow technological aperture. His words necessarily became so few that he had to stare hard at the universe in order to define, and refine as far as possible, the new things he had to say about it. His theories of everything emerged in a voice that was both robotic, and curiously laden with emotion.
年轻的时候,他一直是一个意气风发的人。他曾经在皇家学会里打断过著名天体物理学家 Fred Hoyle 的课,纠正Fred先生在粒子上的错误。可是,后来他没法用笔列等式了,他就得用大脑来转换天体模型。1985年,他进行了气管切开术,他思维的海洋只能通过一个笨拙又狭窄的小孔里向外传达。他艰难的窥探着宇宙,并且用他寥寥可数的词语尽可能精准的向人们传达出他的想法。他的每一个音节都像机器人一样的传出来,还带着感情。
His books, too, made his case even to the man in the street. “A Brief History of Time”, publishedin 1988, sol d inmillions, though its difficulty meant that many copies languished on coffee tables. His “Briefer History” of 2005 was the same thing made plainer, at least to him. He hoped people would understand it, because it was important for scient ists to ex-plain what they were doing. His branch of science, cosmology, was now purporting to answer questions that were once asked of religion. In both books and several more he declared that the laws of science ex-plained everything, without any need to bring God into it. If string theory and its 11 dimensions were understood, for exam-ple, it might show how the universe began.
In his day job, as Lucasian professor of mathematics at Cambridge University until he retired in 2009, it was black holes in particular that he worked on. He even proclaimed once that he was theirmaster, added to his mystique. Black holes, which were predicted by maths before they were discovered in nature, are singularities—points where the familiar laws of physics cease to apply. They are surrounded, however, by surfaces known as event horizons.Anything crossing the event horizon is swallowed for ever.
This was a problem. The second law of thermodynamics, the strictest of nature’s constraints, says that entropy, a form of disorder,must always increase. But if high-entropy systems could be sucked into nothingness by black holes, that would not be the case. Dr Hawking solved this problem by showing that black holes themselves had entropy, and that the more they swallowed, the greater it got. This in turn implied that black holes had a temperature, and thus must give off radiation.
He gave his name to it, but “Hawking ra-diation” surprised him as much as anyone; he claimed to havejust tripped over it, to his annoyance. (His voice-synthesis ng machine included a button for jokes.) The radiation was not observed in his lifetime, which was why he never won a Nobel prize. But the link it provided between the theory of relativity, quantum mechanics and thermodynamics was rich food for physicists’imaginations.
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