达人分享 发表于 2020-7-13 20:30:04


In the maintenance of the nuclear carving, some people keep the nuclear carving in a place where the sun is not visible. This kind of behavior of deliberately avoiding the sun's rays undoubtedly makes the collectors lose the pleasure of collection. As a matter of fact, the color of the stone carving will gradually darken and even lead to dullness. Therefore, when maintaining the stone carving, we should play properly in the sun. Only in this way can we play the stone carving works with more warm colors and higher values.
When the work is cleaned with water, due to the slow evaporation of the internal water and the fast evaporation of the surface layer, the interior of the work can be cleaned carefully with a dry cotton swab or dry cloth to prevent cracking of the work due to thermal expansion and contraction. Too dry or too wet places will cause many adverse effects on the nuclear carving. In fact, as long as the quality of good works, the normal environment will not cause nuclear carving cracking. If we can skillfully use the local humidity environment to play with the stone carving, it will give out a unique charm and different luster: for example, in the south where the humidity is high, the stone carving will show a warm and revealed luster; in the north where the humidity is relatively dry, the stone carving will show a sandalwood luster.
5 ℃ - 27 ℃ is the best temperature for the storage environment of stone carving, and other temperatures are too high or too low. Wind is one of the main reasons for the cracking of nuclear carving, especially in the dry north, the wind is drier and easier to crack.
In addition, in winter, the nuclear carving cannot be placed in the pocket close to the body, because the temperature difference between the human body and the external temperature is large, the nuclear carving will crack when the temperature difference is large; if it is placed in the external pocket, the nuclear carving is not easy to crack.
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