达人分享 发表于 2020-7-12 16:00:39


参照 美国克利夫艺术馆,一比一手作,致敬经典!

参照 美国波士顿美术馆 一比一手作

参照 美国西雅图艺术馆 一比一手作

参照 美国克利夫艺术馆 一比一手作
参照 美国纳尔逊艺术陈列馆 一比一手作
【唐式 观自在】香樟木+矿物彩
现在,在木雕行业中,矿物彩的运用已经达到炉火纯青的地步,每一件木雕作品,经过矿物彩师傅的专业上彩,让整个雕件焕发出新的美颜效果,让很多欣赏者赞叹不已!矿物彩颜料是无机物的一类,属于无机性质的有色颜料,用天然矿石经选矿,粉碎,研磨,分级,精制而成,主要用于绘画、工艺品、仿古、文物修复等。本文中运用到了木雕作品上,让木雕作品焕发出新的艺术魅力!现代矿物色是在古代矿物色的基础上发展丰富而来,是在保持了古代已经有的几种矿物色外,在品种上做了飞跃性的开发,尤其是矿石类矿物从几种发展到几百种。在土质颜料方面,开发出来水干色,由蛤粉与优质耐光性高级颜料、染料按一定配方研制而成的人造土系矿物色,色相的研制可以达到随心所欲的程度,大大跨越了古代矿物色的局限性。在新岩矿物色的生产与开发,更是一大进步,几百种的丰富色相更是极大的补充了天然矿物色的有限色相与种类。现在矿物彩运用已相当广泛,师傅对上彩技艺的传承和发扬,已处于历史上高水准,更多作品欢迎朋友们加惊绝木雕微信欣赏!Now, in the wood carving industry, the use of mineral color has reached the stage of perfection. Every wood carving work, after the professional coloring by the master of mineral color, makes the whole carving glow with a new beauty effect, which many admirers admire!Mineral color pigment is a kind of inorganic material, which belongs to the non-ferrous pigment of inorganic nature. It is made of natural ore through beneficiation, grinding, grinding, grading and refining, mainly used for painting, handicraft, antique, cultural relic restoration, etc. In this paper, the use of wood carving works, so that wood carving works glow with new artistic charm!The development of modern mineral color is rich on the basis of ancient mineral color. It has made a leap in the development of varieties, especially the development of ore minerals from several to hundreds. In the aspect of soil pigments, water dry colors are developed. The artificial earth series mineral colors are developed from clam powder, high-quality light resistant pigments and dyes according to certain formula. The development of color phase can reach the degree of free will, which greatly transcends the limitations of ancient mineral colors. In the production and development of new rock mineral color, it is a great progress. Hundreds of rich colors greatly supplement the limited colors and types of natural mineral color.Now the use of mineral color is quite extensive. The master's inheritance and development of the art of upper color has been at a high level in history. More works are welcome to our friends to enjoy!
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查看完整版本: 【原】惊绝:纯手工木雕仿古造像,矿物彩绘在木雕中的经典运用!